Download From App Store Without Credit Card

I have problems using the App Store. I found Xcode 5 in it. Then clicked Install App.

Now you’ve completed the App Store setup without a credit card, you’re now able to download any of the free applications. If you added gift certificates to your account you can also purchase any of the paid apps as long as you have enough credit. Nov 12, 2017 - This official guide can help you: Create or use your Apple ID without a. You have signed in to the iTunes Store, App Store, or iBooks Store.

Before downloading, it asked me to log in. I logged in with my account – but then it toldme my account has never been used with the App Store, so it asked me to review my account.

But on the review page, it seems I need to enter my credit card information etc.

Is it possible for me to download Xcode by avoiding such step? Can't I download it directly?

Download Free Games From App Store Without Credit Card


closed as off-topic by fixer1234, mdpc, DavidPostill, Kevin Panko, RaystafarianMar 11 '15 at 16:15

This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

Download From App Store Without Credit Card Free

  • 'This question is not about computer hardware or software, within the scope defined in the help center.' – fixer1234, mdpc, DavidPostill, Kevin Panko, Raystafarian
StoreIf this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

2 Answers

In App store app, if you select create account from menu, you will not be able to find none option. For this select a free app and click install, in the password prompt box press create account. Create a new account and then you can see none option. Any way you have to create new account if you decide not to enter credit card info.

App Store Download Free


Yes and no. For any iTunes/App Store purchase (free or paid) you must select some preference for credit card information. However, there should be a special option in your credit card information page to select 'None' for credit card. This will enable you to use iTunes and the App Store to obtain free apps and media or apps and media with gift card credits. I hope this helps!

Can You Download From App Store Without Credit Card


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